About the My Web Site folder
The My Web Site folder on your Desktop is the place to put material (web pages) that you want others to view using their web browsers. FirstClass publishes the contents of My Web Site on the web.
Don't move My Web Site off your Desktop, or it won't work properly. If you move this folder off your Desktop by mistake, you can move it back, and it will work again.
To open My Web Site, choose File > Open > Home Page.
Creating content for My Web Site
To create content for My Web Site, you can:
• drag FirstClass folders, documents, and messages into this folder
Any graphics that were embedded in messages or documents as .png files will be rendered on the web as .gif files.
• store links to containers by pressing Shift while you drag the containers to this folder
Other users must have access to these containers (they must be able to follow the same paths to the containers), and they must have permission to use the containers. In addition, web users will only be able to view conferences if your administrator has set up these conferences to allow this. Web users who are not
recognized by the server will be asked to log in when they try to access a restricted conference.
• upload plain text files directly to this folder
These files can contain HTML code.
• create documents directly in this folder.
These documents can contain HTML code. There are two special document forms for creating web pages. Personal Web Page hides the FirstClass toolbars and just shows the page content. Site Web Page also just shows the page content, but includes the site logo.
About HTML documents
Documents containing HTML code that are placed in My Web Site look like source code when you create them and view them using FirstClass, but are rendered as normal web pages when opened with a web browser.
To pass HTML code to a web browser unaltered, so that it will render properly on the web, format the HTML code by selecting it, then choosing Format > Style > Literal HTML. In FirstClass, this format is in fixed-pitch, plain text, and the text is invisible to users who can't edit the document.
An HTML document can contain URL links to other documents and image files that are located in My Web Site, as well as images embedded directly into the document.
Specifying a home page document
You can designate a document as your home page. FirstClass will open this document when My Web Site is opened with a web browser.
If you don't designate a home page document, anyone accessing this folder over the web will see its entire contents, just as you see them in the FirstClass client.
To make a document that was created using one of the special web page document forms your home page, name it "home page".
To make a document that was created using any other document form your home page, give it one of the following names:
• index.htm or index.html
• home.htm or home.html
• default.htm or default.html.
Viewing others' web site contents
To see the contents of another user's My Web Site folder, connect to your server using your web browser. The FirstClass online help available through the web browser tells you how to view another user's web site contents.